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Founder of One Positive Place

Bill Durkin, Founder of One Positive Place, is an inspirational speaker, facilitator and coach. For over 30 years, his unique and positive approach has produced results for over 40,000 leaders throughout the United States, Canada, England, South America, Spain and Africa.


Bill has been honored with the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation. Less than 10 percent of the 5,000 speakers who belong to the Global Speakers Federation have been awarded this designation.


He has also been president of two non-profit boards, Chairman of the Corporate Network for the Association of Corporate Growth in Chicago, given the Gold LEAF Award from Metropolitan Family Services, recognizing his volunteer work that strengthens families and communities, and served 4 years as an alderman in Darien, Illinois.


Bill lives with his wife Joan and his two boys in  Darien, Illinois.




One Positive Place

”There is a little difference in people but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it’s positive or negative.” W. Clement Stone


Bill began his speaking career working closely with W. Clement Stone. Mr. Stone built Combined Insurance into a billion dollar business.  He was the author of “Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude” and “The Success System That Never Fails.” He was also a philanthropist, donating over $500 million dollars to worthy causes during his lifetime and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He died in 2002 at the age of 100.

Bill worked for Mr. Stone’s non-profit organization and was responsible for teaching Positive Mental Attitude Programs to corporations and correctional facilities around the country.


In addition to Mr. Stone, the positive principles and philosophies he teaches have been influenced by the work of Warren Bennis, Marcus Buckingham, Kim Cameron, Bob Chapman, Mihily Checsentmehy, Alvin Cohn,       Lloyd Conant, David Cooperrider, Stephen Covey, Angela Duckworth, Carol Dweck, Barbara Fredrickson, Marshall Goldsmith, Robert Greenleaf, Rushworth Kidder, Christine Porath, Marty Seligman, Tom Rath,

Tony Robbins, Susan Scoot, Sherry Turkle, Diana Whitney, and John Wooden.


Bill Durkin’s work is built on the new science of positivity, human strength and resilience.


Bill is committed to continuing his own development. Each year he attends at least 40 hours of continuing education and receives individual coaching on positive, strength-based leadership.  He has taken courses led by Marty Seligman on Authentic Happiness and Positive Psychology, graduated from Seth Godin’s altMBA Program, completed Dave Buck’s Play to Win and Simply Brilliant Coaching Courses, Marie Forleo's B-School, and he’s been certified as a Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Center Coach and certified in the Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC) Coaching System by Anthony Robbins.

One Positive Place

Bill attended Loyola University on a basketball scholarship and graduated from their School of Business with a marketing degree.  He lives with his wife and two boys in Darien, Illinois.


Bill was honored with the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation. Less than 10 percent of the 5,000 speakers who belong to the Global Speakers Federation hold this designation. The CSP is the speaking profession’s international measure of professional competence. The letters CSP following a speaker’s name indicate a professional with proven experience who knows how to deliver results.

One Positive Place

The Global Speakers Federation (GSF) is a global framework for independent speaking organizations to collectively serve the interests of their individual members while advancing the professional speaking community worldwide. The GSF is currently comprised of 10 independent speaker associations representing 13 nations and individuals from over 20 countries.


Members include experts in a variety of industries and disciplines who reach audiences as speakers, trainers, educators, consultants, authors and more. Any expert who uses the spoken word to present content to an audience for a fee can join GSF.

One Positive Place

Bill has been honored with the prestigious Gold LEAF Award from Metropolitan Family Services, recognizing his outstanding volunteer work that strengthens families and communities.


Bill has been president of two non-profit boards (Stauros USA & The National Speakers Association-Illinois Chapter), Chairman of the Corporate Network for the Association of Corporate Growth in Chicago, and was elected as an alderman in Darien, Illinois.

One Positive Place

Stauros U.S.A. helps people find meaning, hope and peace in the midst of suffering. Stauros addresses both the physical and spiritual needs of those who suffer, working together so that faith is strengthened and hope flourishes.

One Positive Place

The National Speakers Association (NSA) is the premier organization for professional speakers. Since 1973, NSA has provided the most comprehensive resources and education designed to advance the skills, integrity and value of its members and the speaking profession.

One Positive Place

ACG Chicago is a leader in the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) global network of over 12,000 professionals. The ACG Chicago mission is to be the premier network in Northern Illinois for experts and decision-making professionals focused on strategies for increasing stakeholder value. Bill was Chairman of the Corporate Network of ACG. The Corporate Network is comprised of senior executives of public and private companies throughout the Chicago area that foster strategic and organic growth.

One Positive Place

Elected and served four years as an alderman on the City Council in Darien, Illinois. The principal purpose of the council is to make decisions to help Darien continue to be a vibrant community where individuals, families and organizations thrive.

One Positive Place

Bill was one of the original members of A Safe Haven’s Advisory Board. A Safe Haven is a 501(c) 3 non-profit, social enterprise that helps people aspire, transform and sustain their lives as they transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency with pride and purpose.


You can contact Bill Durkin at 

630-215-5144 or


The workshop and follow-up sessions conducted by Bill Durkin for PricewaterhouseCoopers has added new dimensions to my leadership and enhanced my contributions to my work.


I’ve been able to extend myself to the teams that I lead, to elicit their participation, and to bring out the best in each of them.


Business is often a complex matter, and the heart of any business is people.  I would highly recommend Bill Durkin, because he has such a positive impact on people’s ability to relate, communicate, and perform.  He has developed a real ability to bring people together, which is instrumental for increasing productivity and effectiveness in all business.

One Positive Place
One Positive Place
One Positive Place

-- Pam Nigro, US UT | PricewaterhouseCoopers --

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